High sugar intake is linked to many different diseases, obesity, cardiovascular, diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia for starters. As scientists prob deeper into how our body deals with the stresses we put on it we start seeing amazing things. Recently at UCLA scientists were looking at how our genes change when exposed to Fructose which was leading to the start of disease in our body. The magic of our make up comes in our natural defense systems and how it can take advantage of the foods we eat. As those researchers were ready to release another paper citing the negative effects of high fructose in our diet they saw something really cool. When we eat foods with docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, our body uses that compound to reverse the damage caused to our genes by the sugar. There are two important factors with this first, you can still easily over do the sugar consumption no matter how much DHA you take in. That is why people still get sick from over consumption of sugars. Secondly, DHA should be taken in balance and a ratio in our diet with eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. Most of our diets are lean heavly to a ratio of about 15-25:1 DHA:EPA. On the surface that may look like a good thing lots of DHA, the problem is when it gets away from a 2:1 ratio in our body it can actually become inflammatory, which is a story for another week. For now the important points: First, over consumption of Fructose will lead to disease. Second, eating healthy cold water deep sea fish will improve your ratio. Third, when supplementing with a fish oil look for GMP certified, micro distillation and try to find something with low levels of filler oils. If you find something you are not sure about take a picture and send it to Dr. Nelson he will be happy to look at it for you and give you his thoughts.
Link to original research