
Start Where You’re At!

Unfortunately, most of us don’t move enough! Sedentary lifestyles are linked to health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety. Are you familiar with the term “use it or lose it?” When muscles aren’t used consistently, muscle structure weakens and is partially replaced with body fat. Weak muscles restrict us from even the simplest movements like getting out of bed, or going up and down stairs. How do we move to better health if we’re not moving?

The good news is, you don’t need to go from couch to CrossFit to engage muscles and improve lifestyle habits. Start where you’re at based on ability and skill! Think about each muscle group in the body; arms, legs, back, etc. Contracting each in push-pull movements is simple, and can be done while watching TV! Click here for easy couch exercises!

Dr. Seth’s Top Pick for Topical Pain Relief

Find relief from the pricks of pain with China Gel! Dr. Seth recommends China Gel over other topical pain relievers because of the benefits from concepts of Chinese herbal medicine with ingredients such as lavender, camphor, and angelica.

China Gel is suitable for conditions such as:
-bursitis-simple backaches
-sports injuries
-sprains or strains

Free samples are available in the office; stop by today!

There’s Still Time!

Join the Rising Sun Squad with our third annual January Detox! Detox nutrition is 10% off through the end of the month. Click the link below for more information on how to feel your best in 2021! Click here for Secrets of a Successful Detox!

Curious about chiropractic care? Click Here

Move to better health

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