
4 FAQ about animal chiropractic


I’m sure by now you have heard more and more about animal chiropractic. Of course, as with any treatment, there are always questions. Here are the 4 most frequent questions animal chiropractic patients have asked me.


  1. Does animal chiropractic really work?

    Chiropractic care for pets may have you thinking, ‘what the heck?’ But truthfully, my time treating animals has given me even more confidence in treating humans because of the results I’ve witnessed. I’ve seen dogs in end-of-life stages have years with their families added back by reducing pain and improving their function. I’ve seen dogs come back from paralysis, even with bowel and bladder loss. Not all cases are as severe as paralysis, but watching pets go from not feeling well to being themselves again is really cool to be part of. Major improvements happen by changing the way a joint works and reducing stress on the nervous system.

  2. What conditions does animal chiropractic treat?

    Similar to people, Rising Sun Chiropractic + Weight Loss treats common injuries in pets. These injuries vary from sprains, strains, tendonitis, as well as arthritis, degenerations, and hip dysplasia. While a condition such as arthritis is considered a permanent problem, we can improve the range of motion in the area affected. The improvement of range of motion increases quality of life as your dog or cat can start participating in his or her favorite activities again without restriction.

  3. Is animal chiropractic safe?

    Yes, animal chiropractic care is very safe! Adjustments are gentle; there is no intense twisting or popping often seen in chiropractic care for humans. What we have found is dogs will begin to recognize coming into the office makes them feel better after the second or third visit. In other words, they are happy to be in the clinic! I’ve been practicing animal chiropractic for more than 10 years and see great results and happy pets.

  4. How do I find an animal chiropractor?

    Safety for your dog or cat is our top priority. It’s important to establish care with a reputable provider. First, look for certification in animal chiropractic. For example, state certification or an additional licensure. Another factor of finding a legitimate animal chiropractor is continuing education. Providers should participate in opportunities to further their knowledge, skills, and provide the best care for all patients. While there are similarities, there are also differences in how pets are treated versus humans when it comes to chiropractic care.

    We hope that we’ve answered your questions regarding animal chiropractic and that you’ll contact your local professional if you have any further questions. If you haven’t found all the information you need yet, please keep checking back. We will be adding more content about animal chiropractic all month long!

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