What is a Spinal Disc?

What is a spinal disc?! It’s a term used in the clinic every day, but just WHAT are we talking about? The discs are a critical element of movement in the body! They are stabilizers, shock absorbers, and allow for range of motion. Spinal discs consist of a thick, outer ring of cartilage while the inner core is more gelatinous. Surrounding the discs are nerves, which communicate from the brain to different parts of the body.


A Different Approach to Care

A disc injury can be scary and intimidating, but it doesn’t always mean surgery! We take a different approach to care for spinal disc injuries called the McKenzie Method. In short, the McKenzie Method is a series of movement assessments to determine the effects of movement on symptoms. With this information Dr. Seth actively involves the patient by recommending simple exercises to continue care at home and work. It is our mission to provide the tools and resources patients need to thrive! Click the button below to learn more about the McKenzie Method, and what it means for injury repair. Click Here to Learn More About the McKenzie Method