Be Proactive in Strengthening Your Spine

A happy disc rests without pressure and in a neutral position. Slouching happens every day, sometimes all day, especially when in a seated position. The pressure from slouching makes discs mad, which is why one will experience back pain after sitting in a soft couch, or hunched over while washing dishes.

So what does this have to do with strengthening discs? Posture! Sitting upright and taking pressure off of hips will keep discs in a neutral position.

How do chronic slouchers reverse this bad habit? We have a simple tool called a lumbar roll to maintain optimal posture. A lumbar roll is squishy and flexible and looks similar to a travel pillow.

When placed in between a chair and the user’s back, it comfortably forces upright posture. The lumbar roll is easy to take along in the car, at work, or to use at home. It is an easy tool to give you control over your posture and pain!